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 Angielski tezaurus
acc. skr.
skr. accepted; accidental; accumulator; acceptance; according to
skr., finans. account; accretion
skr., gram. accusative (http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/acc-?showCookiePolicy=true ssn)
skr., hand. accountant
skr., med. accommodation
skr., mot. accessory
skr., nauka o z. acceleration; accident
skr., tworz. according
ACC rzecz.
apoll., skr. audio control center
ekol., skr. Antarctic circumpolar current
lotnisk., lotn. Accra, Ghana
oceanogr., skr. Alaska coastal current
przem., skr. administrative compliance coordinator; advanced cyclone combustor; air cooled condenser; auxiliary core cooling
skr. Accessories; Animal Care Committee; automation classification code; aft cargo compartment (дополнительный) отсек полезной нагрузки в нижней части внешнего топливного бака (МТКК Углов); access (доступ; проход Углов); Admiralty Corrosion Committee (комиссия ВМС по коррозии (Великобритания) Углов); Air Combat Committee (Военно-воздушное командование (США) | контролирует МБР, все военные самолёты, самолёты разведывательного и оперативного управления (АВАКС): некоторые транспортные и самолёты-заправщики Углов); All Cash Conference; American College of Cardiology (Американская корпорация кардиологов Углов); American Craftsmen's Council (Американский совет по художественным ремёслам Углов); AMK CAN communication (Andrey250780); Area Communication Controller (MODACOM); Association of Choral Conductors (Ассоциация хормейстеров (США) Углов); Automatic chrominance control (Vosoni); automatic combustion control (автоматическое регулирование горения (котла) Углов)
skr., bibliot. American Cultural Center
skr., broń. Army Component Commands
skr., bryt.ang. Army Cadet Corps
skr., chem. American Chemistry Council (с 2000 года; ранее CMA - Chemical Manufacturer's Association Karabas)
skr., chem., nauk. American Chemical Council
skr., eduk., nauk. Atlantic Coast Conference
skr., elektron. Army Communications Command; account collection; accuracy control character; adapter common card; advanced computer communications; alterable configuration cell; alternating current coupled; analog compact cassette (recorder); analog color code; approximately commutative controller; area communication center; area coverage change; Asia Computer Consultant Co., Ltd.; asynchronous communications control (ler); automatic congestion control
skr., elektronik. adaptive cruise control
skr., fizj. Aplasia Cutis Congenita
skr., fizj., med. Accommodation
skr., intern. Anyone Can Come
skr., kartogr. Air Corps Camp
skr., kolej. AFC Clearing Center
skr., komun. Automatic fare collection Clearing Center
skr., lab. Absolute Concentration Curve
skr., linie en. all aluminium conductor
skr., logist. Alameda Corridor Surcharge
skr., lotn. accessory (Interex); area control centre; accelerometer; active combustion control; advanced carbon/carbon (material); air conditioning controller; aircraft configuration change; aircraft computer control; aircraft control code; airplane configuration change; airspace class C; assembly cost control; asynchronous communication control; automatic congesting control; auxiliary crew compartment; avionics control computer
skr., mat. Argonne Code Center
skr., meteorol. Acceleration; Acinic Cell Carcinoma; Antitoxin-containing Cell; arterial catheter constant (harser); Common Carotid Artery (makhno); acute lymphocytic leukemia; adenoid cystic carcinoma; Administration Committee on Coordination; agenesis of corpus callosum (iwona); alveolar cell carcinoma; ambulatory care center; American College of Chemosurgery; anodal closure contraction; anodal closure clonus; articular chondrocalcinosis; altocumulus castellatus (4uzhoj); AC castellatus
skr., mor., nauk. Antarctic Circumpolar Current
skr., mot. active cruise control (gconnell); air conditioning clutch; automatic climate control; accessories or accessory; A/C clutch; automatic cruise control
skr., nazw. CAC
skr., podatk. accessory charge (авиаперевозка Yuriy83)
skr., policj. Assistant Chief Constable
skr., polit. Administrative Co-ordinating Committee
skr., relig. The Anglican Church Of Canada
skr., ropa / r. charge
skr., rozsz. Abort Guidance Computer; Prográm (DR-DOS - ViewMax, GEM / resident)
skr., sach. Administration and Communications Center; Administration and Communications Centre; annual capital charge
skr., sieć. active configuration area; area control center; all charge card
skr., sport Adaptive Cruise Control
skr., spraw. Administrative Coordinating Committee
skr., syst. access control center
skr., szkoc.ang. Air Co-ordinating Committee; Alternative Command Centre (NATO); Armament Control Computer; Army Catering Corps (UK); Ateliers de Constructions du Centre (France)
skr., techn. air-cooled condenser (MichaelBurov)
skr., transp. Adventure Concept Car; Area Control Center
skr., ubezp. Accidental Compensation Corporation (Корпорация по возмещению средств после несчастных случаев (Новая Зеландия) Ying)
skr., wojsk. Air Combat Command; air component commander; area coordination center; Army Contracting Command; aircraft carrier; Airspace Coordination Centre; Allied Control Commission; Army Chemical Corps; Army Component Command; Army Component Commander; Auxiliary Cadet Corps; Air Center Commander; alternate control center
skr., wojsk., lotn. airborne control computer
skr., zaut. acceleration count; adaptive constraint control; adaptive computer control
skr., znak. Austin Convention Center
techn., skr. access circuit; accounting classification code; adaptive control constraint; air-cooled condenser; alternate command center; alternating current circuit; antenna control console; anticoincidence circuit; automatic contrast control
telew., skr. automatic color control
transp., skr. Aircraft Commander
wojsk. active clearance control; ambulance car company
wojsk., skr. Allied control center; Army cooperation command; Army corps commander; air control center; amphibious command car; armored car company; armored combat command; artillery control console; automatic control console; aviation control center
Acc. skr.
skr. accessories
AcC' skr.
skr., nauka o z. actinium C'
Acc skr.
skr., ropa / r. accelerator; account current
AcC skr.
skr., nauka o z. actinium C
AcC" skr.
skr., nauka o z. actinium C"
acc skr.
gram. accusative
olej. accident
skr. accelerate; accept; accidental (Vosoni); account
skr., ropa / r. accepted; according to; account of
technol. accumulator
zaut. accuracy
ACC skr.
onkol. adenoid cystic carcinoma (аденокистозная карцинома doc090)
skr. Administrative Committee on Co-ordination; Admiralty Corrosion Commission; Agricultural College; Air Coordinating Committee; Allied Chemical Corp.; American Cyanamide Co.; Armoured car company; Army Chemical Center; Associated Chemical Companies; automatic combustion control
skr., bizn. accent; acceptance; accompany; accomplish; accountant; accurate
skr., finans. Agricultural Credit Corporation
skr., hand. account's classification code; American Chamber of Commerce
skr., hutn. accelerated controlled cooling (ускоренное контролируемое охлаждение 'More)
skr., komp. accumulator register; acknowledge control
skr., logist. air cargo complex (dimakan)
skr., lotn. aircraft airplane configuration change; approach control center; area control code; assembly control code; automatic course control
skr., makar. Arab Cooperation Council
skr., med. adenocystic carcinomas (аденокистозная карцинома bizlex)
skr., meteorol. ас castellatus
skr., nauka o z. accuracy classification circle; Administrative Committee on CoordinationICSU; Advisory Committee on Coordination (UN); altocumulus castellanus; American Coldset Corporation; annual cost comparison; automatic camera control; automatic colour control
skr., nazw. Allied Chemical Corporation; American Cyanamid Company; ARCO Atlantic Richfield Corporation Chemical Co.; Associated Chemical Corporation
skr., organ. Administrative Committee on Coordination
skr., przestrz. accumulating register; adjustable crop calendar (model); Advanced Communications Corp.; aft cargo carrier; air command center
skr., ropa / r. l-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid; accelerated continuous cooling; accounting cost control; activated calcium carbonate; adjustable chain clutch; alkali consumption capacity; Allosite catalytic cracking; American Chambers of Commerce; Atlantic climate change; automatic carrier control; automatic chemical control; automatic chroma color control; average correlation coefficients
skr., technol. adaptive control of constraint; application control code
skr., telekom. account card calling
skr., wojsk. attack control console